A Heroes' History of Prehistoric Britain

A Heroes' History of Prehistoric Britain


This book tells the amazing story of human life in Britain before history was recorded in writing. Reader’s will learn about prehistoric man’s fascination with the movement of the sun and the discovery of metal-making. The tribes and tribal groups that emerged under the leadership of chieftains who became powerful and wealthy through trade and war. And the arrival of the mighty Roman legions in southern and central Britain, adding to the variety, character and colour of the growing nation of Britain.

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ISBN: 978-1-906475-53-6

Enchanted Heroes and Villains Contents 2 .jpg

Enchanted Heroes and Villains

A Heroes' History of Roman Britain Roman Britain contents.jpg

A Heroes' History of Roman Britain

A Heroes' History of the Vikings Victorians pages.jpg

A Heroes' History of the Vikings

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Celtic Heroes and Villains

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A Heroes' Look At Dinosaurs
