Scottish Heroes

Scottish Heroes


In the pages of this book are tales of bravery and betrayal, stories of monsters, amazing places to visit and age old customs. You can learn all about Scotland’s rich and unique past, it’s famous historical figures and landmarks whilst enjoying the fun games, colouring in and activities.

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SBN: 978-0-9542102-4-3

A Heroes' History of World War II WW2 contents.jpg

A Heroes' History of World War II

A Heroes' History of Prehistoric Britain prehistoric-britain-02.jpg

A Heroes' History of Prehistoric Britain

Oceans Heroes and Villains Oceans insides.jpg

Oceans Heroes and Villains

A Heroes' History of the Victorians Victorians contents.jpg

A Heroes' History of the Victorians

A Heroes' History of Modern Britain Modern Britain contents.jpg

A Heroes' History of Modern Britain
